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. 1.1. Tingimused kehtivad kõigi isikute ja ostukeskkonna Nordelectronics.ee ja Nel.ee (edaspidi Nordelectronics e-pood) omanik GoStream OÜ vahel Nordelectronics e-poe vahendusel toodete ostmisel tekkivate õigussuhete kohta. 1.2. Lisaks käesolevatele tingimustele reguleerivad Nordelectronics e-poe vahendusel toodete ostmisel tekkivaid õigussuhteid Eesti Vabariigis kehtivad õigusaktid. 1.3. GoStream OÜ on õigustatud Nordelectronics e-poe arengust tulenevalt ning e-poe parema ja turvalisema kasutamise huvides käesolevaid tingimusi ja hinnakirja muutma ning täiendama. Tingimuste ning hinnakirja muudatustest ja täiendustest teatatakse interneti lehekülje Nordelectronics.ee kaudu. Tingimuste ja hinnakirja muudatused ning täiendused jõustuvad vastava muudatuse või täienduse avaldamisest interneti leheküljel Nel.ee. Kui Te edastasite oma tellimuse enne tingimuste muudatuste jõustumist, kohaldatakse Teie ja GoStream OÜ vahel tekkinud õigussuhtele Teie poolt tellimuse edastamise ajal kehtinud tingimusi, v.a kui seaduses või käesolevates tingimustes on ette nähtud teisiti. 3.2 Ostukorvis olevate toodete arvu võite muuta. Samuti võite muuta toote tellitavat kogust. Tehtud muudatuse kinnitamiseks klikkige nupule Uuenda ostukorvi. Tellimuse vormistamise jätkamiseks klikkige lingile Vormista ost. Teid suunatakse edasi andmeid sisestama. 3.3 Sisestage arve ja tellimuse saaja andmed. Edasi valige tarne-, ning makseviis. Kui olete andmed sisestanud ning ülekontrollinud, siis tutvuge meie poe tingimustega ning tehke linnuke lahtrisse “ Olen lugenud ja nõustun Nordelectronicsi tingimustega”. Vajutades nuppu “Maksa” suunatakse teid sõltuvalt makseviisi valikust edasi antud teenusepakkuja lehele. 3.4 Olge tellija andmete ja tellimuse kinnituse lehekülgedel olevate lahtrite täitmisel tähelepanelik, sest selle informatsiooni täpsusest ja õigsusest sõltub Teie poolt ostetud toodete kiire ja häireteta kohaletoimetamine. 3.5 Toodete müügileping loetakse sõlmituks Lepingu jõustumine arvates tellimuskinnituse järgi tasumisele kuuluva summa laekumisest GoStream OÜ arvelduskontole. Pangalingi kaudu: (Swedbank, SEB, LHV, Danske ja Nordea) Liisingupakkuja kaudu: Liisi Järelmaks Koduliising OÜ vahendusel ning LHV Järelmaks AS LHV Finance vahendusel Krediitkaardiga EveryPay AS ning Paypal vahendusel Arve alusel, sularahas ning kaardimaksega tasumiseks võtke ühendust meie klienditoega. 5.1. Peale Lepingu jõustumist vastavalt Tingimuste punktile 3.5. toimetatakse tooted Teile kohale Teie poolt tellimuse vormistamisel teatatud kontakttelefoni teel eelnevalt kokku lepitud ajal. 5.2. Tooted koos eestikeelse tooteinfoga ja muude toodete juurde kuuluvate dokumentidega toimetab kullerfirma kohale maksimaalselt kümne päeva jooksul. 5.3. Juhul, kui Teie poolt tellitud toodet ei ole laos ja see tuleb spetsiaalselt tarnijalt tellida ning on ilmne, et toote kohaletoimetamine määratud tarnetähtaja jooksul ei ole võimalik, ning muudel juhtudel, kui toodete tähtaegne kohaletoimetamine ei ole võimalik asjaoludel, mille eest GoStream OÜ ei vastuta, teatame sellest Teile Teie poolt tellimuse vormistamisel teatatud kontakttelefoni või elektronposti teel 2 tööpäeva jooksul arvates Lepingu jõustumisest ning ühtlasi anname teada Teie poolt tellitud toote kohaletoimetamise tähtaja. Juhul, kui Te kaotate toote kohaletoimetamise pikema tähtaja tõttu huvi toote ostmise vastu, on Teil õigus oma tellimus tühistada (vt täpsemalt punktidest 6.1.) ning Teie poolt tasutud summa (koos transpordi maksumusega) tagastatakse Teile. 5.4. Kui Teie poolt tellitud tooted on kullerfirmale üle antud, võtab kullerfirma Teiega eelnevalt ühendust, et täpsustada toodete kohaletoomise aeg. 5.5. Kullerfirma toimetab tooted Teie poolt tellimuse vormistamisel märgitud aadressile. Sihtkoha hilisemal muutmisel ei kehti enam punktis 5.2. väljatoodud maksimaalne tarneaeg. 5.6. Palun jälgige tellimuse vormistamisel esitatavate kontaktandmete õigsust vältimaks viivitusi ja arusaamatusi toodete kohaletoimetamisel. GoStream OÜ ja kullerfirma ei vastuta toodete kohaletoimetamise viivituse ja tekkinud arusaamatuste eest juhul, kui viivitus või arusaamatus on tingitud Teie poolt tellimuse vormistamisel esitatud andmete ebatäpsusest või ebaõigsusest. 5.7. Tooted antakse kulleri poolt Teile üle koos saatelehega. Enne saatelehe allkirjastamist soovitame tungivalt Teil toodete pakend üle vaadata ja selle väliste vigastuste korral märkida kulleri saatelehele sellekohane märkus. Palume Teil vigastatud pakendiga tootest teatada elektronposti aadressile info@nel.ee või GoStream OÜ kontakttelefonile +372 58 600 397. Kullerfirma poolt vigastatud pakendiga toode asendatakse. 6.1. Teil on õigus peale toodete eest tasumist kuid enne toodete kohaletoimetamist oma tellimus tühistada, saates Nordelectronics e-poe elektronposti aadressile info@nel.ee vastavasisulise teate koos tellimuse numbriga ning oma arvelduskonto numbriga või helistades GoStream OÜ kontakttelefonil +372 58 600 397. 6.2. Peale toodete kättesaamist on Teil 15 päeva aega toodetega tutvumiseks. Kui ostetud kaup Teile mingil põhjusel ei sobi, siis on Teil võimalus 15 päeva jooksul toode tagastada või välja vahetada muu toote vastu, täites ära meie lehel asuva tagastusvormi. Ühtlasi võite tagastuse taotlemiseks saata Nordelectronics e-poe aadressile info@nel.ee vastavasisulise teate koos tellimuse numbriga, oma arvelduskonto numbriga ning aadressiga, kus tagastatavad tooted asuvad, või helistada GoStream OÜ kontakttelefonile +372 58 600 397. Tagastamisele ei kuulu arvutimängud, arvutitarkvara ning kehahooldus-ja hügieenitooted. 6.3. Tellimuse tühistamisel punktis 6.1 sätestatud juhul või tellimusest taganemise korral punktis 6.2 sätestatud juhul tagastatakse Teile ostu ning tarne (Kui tarbija taganeb tellimusest osaliselt, siis toimub transpordikulude tagastamine proportsionaalselt, vastavalt tagastatud kauba hulgale kogu tellimusest. Näiteks tellisite 3 asja ja neist ühe soovite tagastada, siis tagastatakse teile koos kauba hinnaga 1/3 kättesaamise postikulust) eest tasutud summa. Raha kanname tagastatud toote eest tagasi Teie arveldusarvele hiljemalt 14 päeva jooksul alates taganemisteate jõudmisest meieni, eeldusel, et olete sama tähtaja jooksul kauba tagastanud, v.a käesolevate tingimuste punktis 6.4. ja 6.6 sätestatud juhtudel. 6.4. Tagastatav toode peab olema komplektne (sisaldama kõiki tootepakendis sisaldunud esemeid kaablid jne). Kui toode on ostetud kampaania korras, kus kaubale on lisatud veel mõni toode, tuleb Teil tagastada kogu komplekt (ehk siis kõik tooted). Tarbija võib asjaga tutvumiseks kasutada seda viisil, mis on vajalik asja olemuses, omadustes ja toimimises veendumiseks(VÕS 56 2 lg 4). Taganemisõiguse kasutamiseks ja tagastamise korral punktis 6.6. hüvitise maksmise vältimiseks peate tootepakendi avama ettevaatlikult seda kahjustamata va juhul kui toote pakendit pole võimalik seda rikkumata avada. 6.6. Kui tagastatav toode (ja toote pakend) on halvenenud ja halvenemine on põhjustatud (i) asjaoludest, mis ei ole tingitud GoStream OÜ; ning (ii) toote mittesihipärase kasutamise tulemusena, on GoStream OÜ-l õigus tasaarvestada toote väärtuse vähenemine Teie poolt toote eest tasutud ning Teile tagastamisele kuuluva summaga. Tasaarvestamiseks saadab GoStream OÜ Teile tasaarvestamise avalduse Teie poolt tellimuse vormistamisel teatatud e-posti aadressile. Juhul, kui Te ei ole nõus tasaarvestamise teates näidatud väärtuse vähenemisega, on Teil õigus kaasata toote väärtuse vähenemise kindlakstegemiseks sõltumatu ekspert. Ekspertiisiga seotud kulud jagatakse pooleks Teie ja GoStream OÜ vahel, v.a juhul, kui ühe poole seisukoht osutub ilmselgelt põhjendamatuks. Sellisel juhul kannab ekspertiisiga seotud kulud pool, kelle seisukoht osutus põhjendamatuks. 7.1 Pretensioonide esitamise aeg eraisikule on 2 aastat alates toote kättesaamisest. Juriidiliste isikute puhul lähtutakse tootjapoolsest garantiiajast. 7.2 Pretensioonide esitamise aja jooksul on Tarbijal õigus toote tasuta parandamisele või uuega asendamisele. Kui probleem on tekkinud tootja tõttu, siis korvatakse kõik materjali- ja tootmisvead ning töö ja varuosade maksumus. 7.4 Pretensiooni alla ei kuulu toote kasutamise õpetamine, reguleerimine, hooldus, puhastus, kaubandusliku väljanägemise taastamine ega selliste vigade kõrvaldamine, mis on põhjustatud kasutamisjuhiste täitmata jätmisest. • välisteguritest. Välisteguriteks loetakse muuhulgas äike, nõuetele mittevastav elektripinge ja elektripinge kõikumised, niiskus, vedelik, mehhaanilised vigastused vms. • toode ei tööta omaniku süül, ebaõige ekspluateerimise tulemusena, kasutusjuhendi mittejälgimisel või kui defektid tekkisid toote mittehoolikal hoidmisel, hooldamisel või ülekoormamisel. 7.7 Nordelectronics tugineb vastutuse kindlaks määramisel tootja volitatud esindaja poolt teostatavale ekspertiisile (diagnostikale). Kui ekspertiisi tulemusel selgub, et puudused on põhjustatud eelpool loetletud teguritest, kuid seadme remontimine on võimalik, siis on Tarbijal võimalus tellida tasuline remont. Vedeliku/niiskuskahjustusega ja/või mehaanilise vigastusega seade kuulub ka edaspidi remontimisele üksnes tasulises korras. 7.8 Seadmele teostatud ekspertiisi (diagnostika) eest tuleb tasuda ekspertiisi tasu kui Nordelectronics ei ole vastutav seadmel ilmnenud puuduse kõrvaldamise eest ning seadme remontimine ei ole võimalik. Samuti tuleb Tarbijal tasuda ekspertiisi tasu kui seadmel ei tuvastata ekspertiisi (diagnostika) tulemusel puudust ning seade vastab tootja tehnilistele nõuetele. 7.11 Pretensiooni esitamise õiguse kasutamiseks tuleb pöörduda Nordelectronicsi klienditeeninduse poole info@nel.ee või helistades 58 600 397 ning Teid juhendatakse, kuidas kõnealuse toote puhul edasi toimida. 7.12 Lisaks pretensiooni esitamise õigusest tulenevatele õigustele on ostjal ka kõik muud EV seadusandlusest tulenevad õigused. 7.13 Tootjagarantii katab tootja poolt määratud perioodi jooksul esinevaid materjali- ja töötlemisvigu. Tootjagarantii piirdub riistvara jõudlusomaduste ja seisukorra taastamisega, mis originaalseadmel enne defekti olid (asendamist uue seadmega ja müügilepingust taganemist Tootjagarantii ei võimalda). Tootjagarantii ei kata seadmete kasutamisest tekkinud kulusid, andmete kadumist, tootlikkuse langust vms juhtumeid. Seadmete garantiiperioodid ja teenustasemed võivad olla seadmete põhiselt erinevad. Seadmele kehtiv Tootjagarantii on ära toodud seadmega kaasas olevas dokumentatsioonis. Palume tutvuda tootele kehtivate konkreetsete Tootja poolsete garantiitingimustega juba enne toote ostu. 8.1. GoStream OÜ vastutab Teie ees ja Teie vastutate GoStream OÜ ees teisele poolele käesolevate tingimuste rikkumisega tekitatud kahju eest Eesti Vabariigis kehtivates õigusaktides sätestatud juhtudel ja ulatuses. 8.2. GoStream OÜ ei vastuta Teile tekitatud kahjude eest või toote kohaletoimetamise viibimise eest juhul, kui kahju või toote kohaletoomise viibimine on tingitud asjaolust, mida GoStream OÜ ei saanud mõjutada ning mille saabumist GoStream OÜ ei näinud ette ega võinud ette näha (vääramatu jõud). 9.1. Kõiki Nordelectronicsi e-poe külastamise ja ostude sooritamise käigus teatavaks saanud kliendi isikuandmeid käsitletakse kui konfidentsiaalset infot. Krüptitud andmesidekanal pankadega tagab ostu sooritaja isikuandmete ja pangarekvisiitide turvalisuse. Ka GoStream OÜ-l puudub neile juurdepääs. 9.3. Teie ja Gostream OÜ vahel seoses Nordelectronics e-poe vahendusel toodete tellimise ja ostmisega tekkinud vaidlused lahendatakse läbirääkimiste teel. Kokkuleppe mittesaavutamisel on Teil õigus pöörduda oma õiguste kaitseks Tarbijakaitseametisse või Tallinna Linnakohtusse. Vaidluste lahendamisel lähtutakse Eesti Vabariigis kehtivatest õigusaktidest. 9.4. Kohtuväliste vaidluste lahendamisel võite pöörduda abi saamiseks tarbijavaidluste komisjoni poole. Tarbijavaidluste komisjoni kontakti ning info leiate lehelt. 9.5.1 Eelkõige on internetipõhine vaidluste lahendamise platvorm mõeldud piiriüleste vaidluste lahendamiseks, võimaldades tarbijal lihtsamalt leida konkreetse vaidluse lahendamiseks sobiv kohtuväline üksus kaupleja liikmesriigis. 10.2 Toodete hinnad ning saadavus võivad muutuda ette teatamata. Antud juhul jätab GoStream OÜ endale õiguse loobuda müügist ning tagastada kliendile raha tema arvelduskontole 10 tööpäeva jooksul. 10.3 Nordelectronics jätab endale õiguse loobuda müügist kui tootega on juhtunud mõni järgnevatest probleemidest: on juhtunud inimlik eksitus hinna sisestamisel või tehniline viga süsteemis (näiteks kui 100 EUR’i maksev köögikombain on järsku müügis 10 EUR’iga on tegemist ilmselgelt veaga. Sellest tulenevalt eeldame, et klient peaks aru saama, et tegemist on veaga ja toode ei kuulu sellise hinnaga müümisele.). 10.4 Tooteinfot kontrollitakse ja täiustatakse regulaarselt. Andmed võivad olla peale teie viimast külastust uuenenud. Seoses tootjate andmekaartide puudulikkusega võib Nordelectronics e-poe toote infos esineda ebatäpsusi. Antud juhtul Nordelectronicsi e-pood ei võta vastutust toote andmete õigsuses. Soovitame siiski enne ostu sooritamist võimalusel kontrollida tooteinfo täpsust meie klienditeeninduse telefonil +372 58 600 397. A Timeline of Will Smith & Jada Pinkett Smith’s Best Relationship Advice. Louisa Ballhaus. It’s not every day that you get a celebrity being candid — like, actually candid — about the state of their relationship. But some of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith’s best relationship advice has come out of a willingness to go against that norm and get real with the public about how and why they’ve struggled. In the past few years, the Smiths have defined their own rules for how much they want to share with the rest of the world about their marriage, and everyone who’s tuned in has reaped the benefits of their honesty. So, in honor of these two being so open with us, we’ve rounded up their best relationship over the years (grab a pen, you’ll want to write these down). The biggest lesson we’ve learned from this inspiring couple? There’s absolutely no shame in hitting roadblocks in a relationship. In fact, breaking through that sense of shame, accepting that relationships change, and opening up honest communication is your best shot of getting through. Will and Jada, who started dating in 1995 and married in 1997, have passed the 20-year mark and have raised three children together: 26-year-old Trey Smith (from Will’s first marriage), 21-year-old Jaden Smith, and 18-year-old Willow Smith. Here’s the best relationship advice this couple has shared over the years. On Trusting Your Partner. Back in 2013, Jada spoke to the Huffington Post about her relationship with Will, and what their secret was to having lasted so long. Here’s what she said: “I’ve always told Will, ‘You can do whatever you want as long as you can look at yourself in the mirror and be okay […] Because at the end of the day, Will is his own man. I’m here as his partner, but he is his own man. He has to decide who he wants to be and that’s not for me to do for him. Or vice versa.” When fans later interpreted those comments to mean that she and Will had an open marriage, Jada responded like this: “This does NOT mean we have an open relationship…this means we have a GROWN one.” On The Importance of Couples Counseling. In 2016, Will spoke to The Sun about what really happens in couples counseling — and why he thinks it was key to moving forward in their marriage. “What happens in a marriage once you do counseling, the truth comes out,” the actor shared. “And you sit across from your wife and you’ve said all of your truth and she has said all of her truth. You look at each other and you can’t imagine you could ever possibly love each other again now the truth is out […] It creates a dark moment. But for me it’s the dark before the dawn. When the truth comes out and people have to say who they are and what they think, you get to know who they are. I think that’s the cleansing before you get to the other side that is understanding and moving forward in our relationship.” On Not Listening to the Critics. By June 2018, Jada and Will’s 21-year marriage had been through plenty of tests — not least, the skepticism and rumors from the public. Jada set the record straight on this Sway’s Universe segment: “Here’s the thing about Will and I, it’s like, we are family, that’s never going down,” she said. “It doesn’t matter, all that relationship and what people think, ideas of a husband and a partner and all that, man, whatever, at the end of the day, that’s a man that can rely on me for the rest of his life, period.” On Committing To Yourself. In July 2018, Will gave an interview to Tidal’s Rap Radar in which he discusses his marriage, and what the idea of marriage really means to him. “As much as marriage is a relationship commitment, it really is a singular commitment to yourself that you were going to use your marriage to develop your self,” he shares. “Marriage demands that you be the best version of you or it ain’t gon work […] Jada and I realized that we were on individual journeys. We were both trying to force a marriage when actually, you know, in terms of a seed and soil, are they married?

The seed is not married to the soil, it’s just growing together both doing what they were designed to do.” On Being Life Partners. On that same interview, Will gets into how his and Jada’s definition of partnership has changed. “We don’t even say we’re married anymore,” Smith explains. “We refer to ourselves as ‘life partners,’ where you get into that space where you realize you are literally with somebody for the rest of your life. There’s no deal breakers. There’s nothing she could do—ever—nothing that would break our relationship. She has my support til death, and it feels so good to get to that space where you’re not complaining and worrying and demanding that a person be a certain thing to sort of satiate your ego deficiencies. You’re not demanding that somebody be a certain thing so you feel better about yourself.” On How Marriages Change. In August 2018, Jada took to Instagram to share her most recent thoughts on marriage. She captioned a photo of her, Will, daughter Willow, and son Trey like this: “I’ve been watching a lot marriages dissolve around me. It’s been really painful. Marriages change. Sometimes they need to be reimagined and transformed. Sometimes they are simply over … but either way, I pray that folks going thru this painful transition find the patience and the love within to not throw the “babies” out with the bath water. #family.” On Knowing When to Re-Evaluate. In October 2018, the Smiths took on that now-famous Red Table Talk series, in which they unearthed their deepest, darkest marriage secrets to share with the world. Will shared in Part 1 that he wound up taking two years away from work to really focus on himself and his marriage to Jada. Here’s how he describes one moment when he realized things needed to change: “The day after her 37 th birthday, I hired a team to orchestrate her 40 th birthday […] It was going to be the thing that lifted her out of this midlife crisis, and it was going to be my deepest, most beautiful proclamation of love,” he says. “She told me that the party was the most ridiculous display of my ego […] Crushed, right? To this day I know I was crushed because it was true. It wasn’t a party for her.” On Different Definitions of Success. In a similar vein, Will reflects in Part 2 of their Red Table Talk on how his professional success was at odds with the family’s personal turmoil. “Externally, our family was winning,” he shares. “But there was a period where mommy woke up and cried 45 days straight. I started keeping a diary. It was every morning. I think that’s the worst I’ve ever felt in our marriage. I was failing miserably, but on the outside I was winning.” On Taking a Step Back. In June 2019, Jada talked to People about how she knew it was time to take a step back from the status quo. “There was too much concentration on what was happening externally, and the family unit itself wasn’t getting the attention and care that I felt we needed,” Jada explained. “Will’s like, ‘We just came from Oslo, going to the [2009] Nobel Peace Prize ceremony [for Barack Obama] as a family, you’ve got a big house with a lake – isn’t this amazing?!’ And I’m like, ‘No.’ […] I had to really take time out for me and figure out what I wanted for myself. I had to kind of put everyone aside and ask, ‘What would I do every day if it was just Jada?’ I literally had no idea.” On Making Sacrifices. In August 2019, Jada sat down with The Guardian to clarify that marriage itself presented certain challenges she was wary of — not the idea of having Will as her partner. “Will is my life partner and I could not ask for a better one,” she says. “I adore him, I never want people to think it was Will I didn’t want to marry — he and I were talking about this the other day. But I can assure you that some of the most powerful women in the world feel caged and tied, because of the sacrifices they have to make to be in that position. So I wanted to talk about how we really feel about marriage. How do we really feel about different, unconventional relationships?

How do we really feel about raising children?

Honestly.” On Why It’s Important to Share Your Struggle. In that same Guardian interview, Jada talked through why she did that deeply honest Red Table Talk with her husband, and how she’s feeling about the past 20 years. “When I was going through a really tough time in my life,” she shared, “there were three women, three friends, who were so honest with me — I mean so honest with me, saying some stuff you would never expect anyone to say — that they re-directed my journey. But it wasn’t necessarily advice, it was that they were willing to spend time with me and share.” Jada continues: “I knew that I was not built for conventional marriage […] Even the word ‘wife’: it’s a golden cage, swallow the key. Even before I was married, I was like, ‘That’ll kill me.’ And it damn near did!

So why wouldn’t you share what you’ve been through, when you see that other people are out there, trying to figure this crap out? We decided to make it public because it’s part of the healing. I feel like if we don’t have real understanding about it, I don’t know if interpersonal relationships are possible.” On The Late Show with Stephen Colbert that same month, Jada added this about why they went public: “What was really important about Will and I doing that show together — two things […] First of all was really to kind of get rid of the idea that people in the public eye have perfect relationships. We were kind of sick of living up to that. We were real sick of it, and then second of all really having myself and Will come and talk about our relationship […] Us coming together and taking responsibility for both of our parts and also Will being the successful guy that he is […] you can’t imagine how many other successful men called and said, ‘Wow, my wife has been saying the same thing for years. Because you said it, it opened my eyes and because you said it, I’m willing to listen.'” Are Jaden Smith and Tyler The Creator dating in 2021? Love lives explored. Are Jaden Smith and Tyler The Creator dating?

Rumours have been circulating around the two musicians for years, so let’s take a look at whether they’re in a relationship in 2021, or not. Twenty-two-year-old Jaden is the son of Will and Jada Pinkett-Smith. Given his high profile, it’s more than likely that his fans are keen to find out what goes on in his personal life. Jaden has perviously been linked to Kylie Jenner, but his potential relationship with fellow rapper Tyler The Creator, 30, is something which still seems to circulate on social media in 2021. Are Jaden Smith and Tyler The Creator dating?

Dating rumours surrounding Jaden and Tyler emerged following Jaden’s on-stage proclamation that he and Tyler were in a relationship at Camp Flag Gnaw in 2017. As per Gay Times, the “Again” singer said: “ I wanna tell you… Tyler doesn’t want to say, but Tyler’s my mother ing boyfriend and he’s been my mother ing boyfriend my whole f ing life! “ However, Tyler hasn’t ever responded to claims that they’re a couple. He did take to Twitter following the event to say: “Hahaha you a crazy n a man”. Tyler the Creator: Sexuality. While Jaden looked to be pretty clear on him and Tyler being an item, Tyler doesn’t seem to have publicly confirmed a relationship. Although Tyler never confirmed or denied a relationship with Jaden, it doesn’t mean that the pair weren’t, or aren’t an item. It’s currently unconfirmed whether they are together. Jaden and Tyler are long-time friends and have collaborated on many projects together. Does Jaden Smith have a girlfriend in 2021? It’s possible that Jaden and Tyler have been dating for years, however, Jaden was seen kissing model Cara Delevigne on Valentines Day in 2021. Jaden gave Cara a bouquet of red roses to mark the occasion. But, there’s no confirmation on whether they’re an official couple as yet. Cara and Jaden worked together on the 2020 film Life in A Year which sees the pair play a couple on-screen. Whether their fictional romance has evolved into a real-life one, fans will have to wait and see. Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith confirm previous split, reveal details of August Alsina relationship. Jada Pinkett says her husband Will Smith asked for a very unusual present for his 50th birthday. She obliged, but will never give him the gift again. USA TODAY. On Friday's "Red Table Talk," Jada's husband Will Smith joined her at the iconic table where her mother Adrienne Banfield Norris and daughter Willow Smith usually sit for the Facebook Watch series. Smith revealed she started a close friendship with Alsina about four and a half years ago, and said her family was trying to help him because he was "really sick." "It all started with him just needing some help. Me wanting to help his health, his mental state," Smith said about Alsina, who has been open about battling an auto-immune disease. The Smiths revealed this friendship with Alsina began when they were going through a tough time in their marriage. They "basically broke up," Jada said. "I got into an entanglement with August," Jada said before confirming she was in a relationship with the singer during that time. “An entanglement? A relationship,” Smith said, prodding his wife to be more specific, alluding to the Facebook Watch show's dedication to candid discussion. “Yes, it was a relationship. Absolutely. I was in a lot of pain. I was very broken,” she replied. "Now, in the process of that relationship, I definitely realize that you can’t find happiness outside of yourself I would definitely say we did everything that we could to get away from each other, only to realize that that wasn’t possible.” The "Girls Trip" actress shared that her relationship with Alsina allowed her to grow and heal as she learned things about herself during their time together, including acknowledging her desire to be "drawn to people who need help." "Through that particular journey I learned so much about myself and was able to really confront a lot of emotional immaturity, emotional insecurity and I was really able to do some really deep healing," Jada said. "And as I came through and started to realize certain things about you and I, he decided to break all communication with me which was totally understandable." "What I’m not okay with is my character being in question," Alsina said. "I actually sat down with Will and had a conversation due to their transformation from their marriage to life partnership that they've spoken on several times. … He gave me his blessing and I totally gave myself to that relationship for years of my life, and I truly and really, really, deeply loved and have a ton of love for her (Jada). I devoted myself to it, I gave my full self to it." In 2019, August Alsina released "Nunya," a song many people thought was about his relationship with Smith. At the time, Alsina denied the song was about Smith's wife and said they were good friends. At less than 13 minutes long, Friday's conversation was significantly shorter than Smith's usual "Red Table Talk" episodes, which usually clock in around 40 minutes. Are Jaden Smith and Tyler The Creator dating in 2021? It’s possible that Jaden and Tyler have been dating for years, however, Jaden was seen kissing model Cara Delevigne on Valentines Day in 2021. Jaden gave Cara a bouquet of red roses to mark the occasion. But, there’s no confirmation on whether they’re an official couple as yet. Cara and Jaden worked together on the 2020 film Life in A Year which sees the pair play a couple on-screen. Whether their fictional romance has evolved into a real-life one, fans will have to wait and see. 10 facts about Americans and online dating. In the more than two decades since the launch of commercial dating sites such as Match.com, online dating has evolved into a multibillion-dollar industry serving customers around the world. A new Pew Research Center study explores how dating sites and apps have transformed the way Americans meet and develop relationships, and how the users of these services feel about online dating. 1 Three-in-ten U.S. adults say they have ever used a dating site or app, but this varies significantly by age and sexual orientation. While 48% of 18- to 29-year-olds say have ever used a dating site or app, the share is 38% among those ages 30 to 49 and even lower for those 50 and older (16%). At the same time, personal experiences with online dating greatly differ by sexual orientation. Lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB) adults are roughly twice as likely as those who are straight to say they ever used a dating platform (55% vs. 28%). 2 A small share of Americans say they have been in a committed relationship with or married someone they met through a dating site or app. About one-in-ten U.S. adults say this (12%), though these shares are higher among LGB adults, as well as those ages 18 to 49. Pew Research Center has long studied the changing nature of romantic relationships and the role of digital technology in how people meet potential partners and navigate web-based dating platforms. This particular report focuses on the patterns, experiences and attitudes related to online dating in America. These findings are based on a survey conducted Oct. 16 to 28, 2019, among 4,860 U.S. adults. This includes those who took part as members of Pew Research Center’s American Trends Panel (ATP), an online survey panel that is recruited through national, random sampling of residential addresses, as well as respondents from the Ipsos KnowledgePanel who indicated that they identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB). The margin of sampling error for the full sample is plus or minus 2.1 percentage points. Recruiting ATP panelists by phone or mail ensures that nearly all U.S. adults have a chance of selection. This gives us confidence that any sample can represent the whole U.S. adult population (see our Methods 101 explainer on random sampling). To further ensure that each ATP survey reflects a balanced cross-section of the nation, the data are weighted to match the U.S. adult population by gender, race, ethnicity, partisan affiliation, education and other categories. For more, see the report’s methodology about the project. You can also find the questions asked, and the answers the public provided, in this topline. 3 Roughly six-in-ten online daters (57%) say they have had an overall positive experience with these platforms, including 14% who describe their experience as very positive and 43% who say it was somewhat positive. Fewer users – though still about four-in-ten – describe their online dating experience as at least somewhat negative, including 9% who describe it as very negative. People’s assessments of their online dating experiences vary widely by socioeconomic factors. Around six-in-ten online daters with a bachelor’s or advanced degree (63%) say their experience has been very or somewhat positive, compared with 47% among those who have a high school diploma or less. The ratings online daters give their overall experience do not vary statistically by gender or race and ethnicity. 4 While online daters generally say their overall experience was positive, they also point out some of the downsides of online dating. By a wide margin, Americans who have used a dating site or app in the past year say their recent experience left them feeling more frustrated (45%) than hopeful (28%). Other sentiments are more evenly balanced between positive and negative feelings. Some 35% of current or recent users say that in the past year online dating has made them feel more pessimistic, while 29% say these platforms left them feeling more optimistic. Similarly, 32% say online dating sites or apps made them feel more confident, whereas 25% say it left them feeling more insecure. 5 Majorities of online daters say it was at least somewhat easy to find potentially compatible partners. Many online daters say they could find people on these platforms who they were physically attracted to, shared their hobbies and interests, seemed like someone they would want to meet in person or were looking for the same kind of relationship as them. At the same time, there are some gender differences in how hard or easy users say it was to find compatible partners. For example, women who have ever used a dating site or app are more likely than men to say they have found it very or somewhat difficult to find people they were physical attracted to (36% vs. 21%) or who like someone they would want to meet in person (39% vs. 32%). By contrast, male users are more inclined than female users to say it was at least somewhat difficult to find people who shared their hobbies and interests (41% vs. 30%). 6 Women are more likely than men to categorize certain information as essential to see in other users’ profiles. Among online daters, 72% of women say it was very important to them that the profiles they looked at included the type of relationship the person was looking for, compared with about half of men (53%). Women who have online dated are also more likely than men to say it was very important to them that the profiles they looked through included a person’s religious beliefs (32% vs. 18%), occupation (27% vs. 8%) or height (22% vs. 8%). Other gender differences – such as the importance of users including their hobbies and interests, their racial or ethnic background or their political affiliation – are more modest. 7 There are stark gender differences in the amount of attention online daters say they received on these sites or apps. Overall, online daters are more likely to say they did not receive enough messages than to say they received too many, but users’ experiences vary by gender. Roughly six-in-ten men who have online dated in the past five years (57%) say they feel as if they did not get enough messages, while just 24% of women say the same. Meanwhile, women who have online dated in this time period are five times as likely as men to think they were sent too many messages (30% vs. 6%). 8 Younger women are especially likely to report having troublesome interactions on online dating platforms. About three-in-ten or more online dating users say someone continued to contact them on a dating site or app after they said they were not interested (37%), sent them a sexually explicit message or image they didn’t ask for (35%) or called them an offensive name (28%). About one-in-ten (9%) say another user has threated to physically harm them. These rates are even higher among younger women. Six-in-ten female users ages 18 to 34 say someone on a dating site or app continued to contact them after they said they were not interested, while 57% report that another user has sent them a sexually explicit message or image they didn’t ask for. At the same time, 44% report that someone called them an offense name on a dating site or app, while 19% say they have had someone threaten to physically harm them. 9 Americans have varying views about the safety of online dating. Roughly half of Americans overall (53%) say dating sites and apps are a very or somewhat safe way to meet people, while 46% believe they are not too or not at all safe. Public perceptions about the safety of online dating vary substantially by personal experience. A majority of Americans who have ever used a dating site or app (71%) see online dating as a very or somewhat safe way to meet someone, compared with 47% of those who have never used these platforms. Among the public as a whole, women are far more likely than men to say dating sites and apps are not a safe way to meet people (53% vs. 39%). Views on this question also vary substantially by age, educational attainment and race and ethnicity. 10 More than half of Americans (54%) say relationships that begin on a dating site or app are just as successful as those that begin in person. A smaller share of U.S. adults – though still about four-in-ten – say these kinds of relationships are less successful than relationships that begin in person. At the same time, half of Americans say online dating has had neither a positive nor negative effect on dating and relationships. Smaller shares say these platforms have had a mostly positive (22%) or mostly negative effect (26%).

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