dating personals

Выбор города. Датинг ру — сайт знакомств, объединяющий сквозь расстояния!

Общение – обязательный атрибут полноценной жизни любого человека. В нем нуждаются даже самые самодостаточные люди, привыкшие устраивать свою жизнь без посторонней помощи. Новые знакомства, интересные и яркие, помогают внести свежесть в повседневную привычную жизнь и избавиться от скуки. Существует множество способов познакомиться, однако самым практичным, удобным и эффективным из них являются знакомства онлайн на тематическом сайте. Какого бы общения вы ни искали, в каком городе ни жили и какой бы внешностью ни обладали – dating поможет вам достичь желаемого результата! Чем привлекательны знакомства без регистрации? Практичностью! Сегодня, пожалуй, не удастся встретить человека, который бы ни пользовался интернетом. Зайти на сайт можно через любой удобный вам гаджет – персональный компьютер, ноутбук, планшет, даже мобильный телефон. А это значит, что вы сможете скрасить интересным общением и просмотром анкет любую свободную минуту. Застряли в пробке, ожидаете приема специалиста, едите в командировку – вместо того, чтобы скучать, поболтайте с интересным собеседником!

Доступностью! Знакомства без регистрации не требуют никаких финансовых вложений. Вам не понадобиться отправлять смс или оплачивать доступ к интересующим анкетам – вся база данных находится в вашем распоряжении. Это очень удобно, ведь вы одинаково сможете пообщаться с людьми из своего города или же познакомиться с пользователем из другой точки страны, в которую, к примеру, собираетесь съездить в ближайшее время. Бесплатный сайт знакомств позволяет общаться с любым количеством людей и в любое время без ограничений!


Речь идет не только о том, что на сайте присутствует множество анкет людей из всех городов нашей страны и ближнего зарубежья, но и о широте целевой аудитории, которую по праву можно назвать стопроцентной. Что это значит?

Здесь общаются люди всех возрастов, с любыми внешними данными и разнообразными интересами. Знакомства также имеют совершенно разные цели – от обычного общения переписки до сексуального партнерства и создания семьи. Просто стучите – и вам откроют! Общайтесь без ограничений!

Вы уже определились с выбором, увлечены ежедневными переписками и приятными эмоциями от общения с симпатичным вам человеком, но еще недостаточно его узнали или просто не хотите торопить события?

А между тем, одних только сообщений становится недостаточно и пора бы перевести общение на новый уровень, но как это сделать?

На сайте предусмотрена возможность видеозвонка! Это означает, что вы можете просто поговорить голосом, как по телефону, или провести полноценное виртуальное свидание. Такая функция полезна при самых различных знакомства. Романтически настроенным парам она поможет немного раскрепоститься и к первому реальному свиданию избавиться от неловкости, друзьям из разных стран – без труда увидеться и показать друг другу свой быт, тем же, кто ищет сексуального партнера, провести «мини-собеседование», чтобы понять, насколько человек подойдет для реализации желаний. Как найти подходящего собеседника для общения и не только?

Так как многие пользователи стремятся завести знакомства для серьезных отношений, на сайте предусмотрены весьма подробные анкеты. К примеру, если для дружбы по переписке внешние данные человека не имеют особого значения, то для более перспективных целей они важны. Наш сайт знакомств позволяет быстро и без регистрации просматривать анкеты пользователей из всех предложенных городов. Воспользовавшись поиском, вы можете сразу указать самые весомые критерии, а после уже приступать к просмотру всех подходящих предложений. Для более продуктивного знакомства, стоит определиться с типажом интересующего человека, его возрастом и местом жительства. Начинайте изучения найденных анкет с просмотра фотографий, и если пользователь вам симпатичен, приступайте к изучению информации, оставленной им в анкете – узнайте об интересах, увлечениях, отношении к тем или иным вещам, а также предпочтениях в выборе собеседника и основной цели знакомства. Russian personals. Are There Any Genuine Russian Personals Dating Sites Or Apps? What Is The Best Russian Personals Dating Site? Is There Russian Personals Free Dating? The Russian personals industry has grown tremendously over the last 15 years, only two decades ago there was no Russian online dating sites to be found anywhere within Russia. Today Russian personal sites are growing month by month with millions of young and old Russian singles turning to the internet for love and romance. Maybe it is time for you to start checking out some Russian personals ad's? Along with this has grown the International dating sites with men from all over the world searching the Russian personal ads in hundreds of Russian personals women dating sites. If you are one of the many thousands of men who have decided to search for Russian singles amongst the Russian personals ads in one of the many Russian personals women dating sites on the net today, then the choice of Russian singles is huge. Russia is a country of over 120 million people with a huge population of single russian women in fact over 10 million more women than men with this in mind you can understand why the Russian personals industry is booming. If you are searching for a Russian bride on the internet today things are considerably harder than twenty years ago there is huge competition within Russia for single Russian women, with millions of Russian men searching the Russian personals each day along with the huge increase in International dating with thousands of men from all over the world seeking international relationships on International dating sites You only need to Google "Russian dating sites" and a huge selection will appear before you with thousands of Russian personals to search through. Here are a few good tips to help you succeed in your search for single Russian women in the Russian personals sites. 4. Only use legitimate Russian personals dating sites that allow free exchange of contact information Skype/email/phone. If you really want to succeed in finding yourself a women to marry on one of the many Russian personals sites you will need to take some simple steps and put into practice the steps below, doing this will ensure you become one of the minority who actually succeed in finding their love in Russia. How do we know?

We have been in the business for 10 years, we know who succeeds and who fails. 1. Always Upload good quality recent pictures of yourself on your profile. Use at least 2 or 3 recent, high quality, sharp, images. Make sure to include a good picture of your head and face because women tend to be attracted to a guy’s face first. DO NOT make the mistake of uploading photos of yourself from 15/20 years ago when you was a young lad, it really does not help, serious women have no interests in seeing photos of a guy when he was 20 years younger, at the first instance she wants to see how you look right now. If you'r an older guy in his 60/70's and think uploading images of you when you was 35 years old will help you find a young women, Im sorry to say it will not. 2. Chat with women in a realistic age range from yourself. As a rule of thumb, I’d always suggest that you don’t contact women who are significantly younger than you would expect to date at home. Don't fall for the same mistake so many Western men make and that is thinking you'r going to be able to date a women over half your age. Most Western men fall at the first hurdle here by contacting women young enough to be their grand daughter. Generally men who start communicating with women over 30 years younger than them selves never succeed and in fact will usually wast many years chasing a dream that does not exist. Yes you can find a younger women whilst searching Russian personals, but if you are serious in your searches you should stick to a maximum of 10/12 year age difference. 3. ccessful men are always proactive. This is very important point and something that can make all the difference between succeeding or failing. The best Trusted Russian personals dating sites ALWAYS allow unlimited communication with all members on the site, they also allow members to freely exchange contact information such as Skype or What's App. It is in your interests to take advantage of this and use your membership wisely to connect with as many women as possible. The best possible advise is to log in every day or two and send a message to at least 20-30 Russian personals that you are attracted to, you can even send some to women with no photos, there is nothing to loose here. There is no need to write individual letters to start with, just a short introductory letter to start that can be copy pasted and used as an "Ice breaker", it is important that you stick to this plan for a whole month minimum, remembering many women will only visit the site every few days or even once a week or so. This may mean you are sending messages to women who maybe not your match criteria, but don't let this put you off. You will be surprised how many men have met their partner online and that partner was not his first choice in the first instance. Often men start communicating with women who they thought were not perfect but after a little conversation the sparks were flying and it was as though they had known each other for years!

Try it! You maybe surprised. Stick to this plan and within a week you will start receiving plenty of answers, giving you the chance to pick the best Russian personals to answer to. Do not just sign up to a Russian personals site and sit and wait for Christmas. be PROACTIVE. 4. The candy store effect do not let it happen to you at all costs!

You may not think this is important, but trust me!

It is one of the biggest stumbling blocks for 90% of men signed up to a Russian personals dating site. If it happens to your you'r going to be stuck going from one site to the next for the next few years never getting any where, so what is this "Candy store effect"? Often a man will contact a women, start communication with her over few days only to receive a message from another women, who maybe a little prettier, he will immediately drop the women he is in contact with and stat communication with the new one, this will happen time and time again. If you find a person that you like and with whom you build a rapport then stay with her, for a while at least to see what happens. If you have already got to know her why drop her just for a women you have not even communicated with. 5. Honesty is always the best policy! When it comes to dating Russian women honesty is a trait that is highly prized. It is important to make an honest bio when making your profile and during communication always stick to the truth, if you just work in the local store there is no need to say you are a millionaire with 15 stores, there is no need to say you drive the latest Range Rover and certainly stick to the truth when it comes talking about family and friends. Do not make yourself out to be something you are not, in the end you will be found out. ssian women are searching for an honest guy and to the vast majority of Russian women your wealth or social status is not so important. Так как многие пользователи стремятся завести знакомства для серьезных отношений, на сайте предусмотрены весьма подробные анкеты. К примеру, если для дружбы по переписке внешние данные человека не имеют особого значения, то для более перспективных целей они важны. Наш сайт знакомств позволяет быстро и без регистрации просматривать анкеты пользователей из всех предложенных городов. Воспользовавшись поиском, вы можете сразу указать самые весомые критерии, а после уже приступать к просмотру всех подходящих предложений. Для более продуктивного знакомства, стоит определиться с типажом интересующего человека, его возрастом и местом жительства. Начинайте изучения найденных анкет с просмотра фотографий, и если пользователь вам симпатичен, приступайте к изучению информации, оставленной им в анкете – узнайте об интересах, увлечениях, отношении к тем или иным вещам, а также предпочтениях в выборе собеседника и основной цели знакомства. Telegraph Dating. Is this your match? Nicky66. Johnr0509. SoHatherley. Susannah121. Levensup. Your tools to find your perfect Match. Why choose Telegraph Dating. The Telegraph is home to one of the oldest and best-known mature dating communities, with a long history of match-making its single readers. Dating originally appeared in the newspaper under the name Kindred Spirits back in the early 1990s and then moved online in 2005, changing its name to Telegraph Dating a few years later. Since launch, our service has gone from strength-to-strength and whilst many other things have changed in the world, Telegraph Dating's goal remains the same: to add love, romance and fun to the lives of single people. Uniquely, some of the team behind the service have been a part of it for over 25 years, and we're all still passionate about providing members with a high-quality dating experience. Our fantastic, UK-based customer service staff continue to check every new members' profile and picture before they appear online and are also there to advise you on all aspects of the service, including online safety. Together, we've helped tens of thousands of people start their online dating adventures, resulting in many happy and lasting relationships, not to mention weddings and babies too. We're delighted that you're thinking about joining Telegraph Dating, and if it's your first time using online dating, you'll be glad to know it's quick and easy to join the service. After filling out our questionnaire, we'll need to check your details and once approved, you'll be able to view your best matches and find new people to connect with. It doesn't matter whether you're single, divorced or widowed, as you take this exciting step towards finding your soulmate, we'll be here to support and help you. If you want to know more about how the service works do take a look at our FAQs or drop us a line. Don't forget to read our community guidelines and safety page too as they contain important tips and advice. Success Stories. I found a perfect match for me. The moment I uploaded my new photos he found me and after 4 months we are still doing really well and looking forward to the future together. :-) We are delighted with our match!

Thank you to the team! I was a pioneer looking for a better pioneer - And he had to be a man of God!

Like finding a needle in a haystack - but he was here - we found each other within hours of me signing up! Thank you so much the telegraph team, I have found a lovely man on this site, we are getting on well and fingers crossed for the future. . It is no secret that a lot of people also head to Thailand in the hope of finding romance or just to get laid.If you are interested in beautiful Thai women, then you will want to read this Thai Friendly review. Thailand is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Every year, millions and millions of people descend upon the place seeking adventure through nature, or enjoying wonderful culinary delights in one of the many stunning cities that Thailand boasts. What is Thai Friendly?

Thai Friendly is a dating website. It is specifically designed for western men who are looking for Thai women, either for a quick hookup when they are visiting the country, or maybe for a slightly longer term relationship. Obviously, it is a very niche website. The Thai women who sign up have signed up specifically because they are looking for relationships like this. Despite being niche, there are a fair number of users on Thai Friendly. It is estimated that about 1,000 accounts are being created on the site each and every day, so there will always be new people to explore. How Does Thai Friendly Work? Signing up for Thai Friendly is a breeze. It takes seconds to make your account. You can either go free or premium. The main difference between the two is that if you go premium, you will be able to send messages a lot more frequently. If you go free, there needs to be at least ten minutes between messages. Obviously, if you want to score the biggest chance of hooking up with somebody, then opt for a premium membership. We do love the fact that you can browse through everybody without paying a cent, though. When you are searching for people through the website, you have a plethora of options to really filter down who you want to see. You can sort by education or location, for instance. Although, this is something which relies purely on a person filling out their profile correctly. It is often best to simply browse by location. Once you have found somebody that tickles your fancy, you can drop them a message. In our experience, people tend to reply pretty quickly too…even if they are not interested in you. Thai people seem to be friendly like this. The Positives of Thai Friendly. The major upside to Thai Friendly is that you have so many women at your fingertips. re, there are probably some fake accounts scattered into the mix like so many other dating sites, but the team at Thai Friendly have worked hard to lower the chances of this happening. About 99% of the time, you can be sure that the woman you have your eye on is somebody that is 100% real. Chances are that there account is still going to be active too. This means that you have a massive chance of getting the reply that you want. Since this is a niche website, it makes it easier to find somebody that you want to chat to. Obviously, you are interested in Thai women, hence why you are there. This means that you don’t have to spend time, like you would on other dating websites, filtering through the people who don’t really catch your attention. The filters that are available on Thai Friendly make it ridiculously simple to find somebody too. Message responses tend to come in fairly quick. There is probably a cultural reason behind this. Even with our semi-incomplete profile, we had absolutely no shortage of women willing to respond to us and engage in conversation. In our experience, this is also one of the only dating websites we have ever been on where people have been willing to message us first. We didn’t need to do anything. Although, obviously, it can be difficult to ‘weed out’ the bad messages like this. There is even a dedicated mobile app for Thai Friendly, which means that you are going to be able to flirt with all those beautiful women ‘on the go’, which is always going to be fun. The Downsides of Thai Friendly. We are going to put aside premium memberships for a while. For a niche site like Thai Friendly, is pretty difficult to rate the site down on this. Most niche sites (and even non-niche sites) have a premium membership, and for a ‘free’ membership, Thai Friendly gives you a lot of options. You aren’t blocked from messaging, at least. The problem with Thai Friendly is that there is a ‘swing’ towards there being too many people seeking women, rather than women seeking men. Again, this is something which is difficult to mark down on in this Thai Friendly review, but you must remember when there is more of one group than another, it creates a lot of competition. On Thai Friendly, you are going to all be looking for (roughly) the same type of person so it makes things a little bit harder for you. That being said, if you take the time to fill out your profile, you are already going to stand out way more than 90% of the people on the website. One issue that many people faced at the start of Thai Friendly, and we have read many a customer Thai Friendly review, about this is that there were too many ‘lady boys’ on the site. This is a problem that has now been rectified, with a way to filter them out. If you are looking for ‘lady boys’, then Thai Friendly have put together a dedicated site for this. Do You Want to Date Thai Women?

This is the Place to be! In our experience, there are no better websites out there for dating Thai women. re, we have bought up some negative points in this Thai Friendly review, but that is because no website is perfect. This site comes pretty close to being so, though. With over a million active profiles on the site, and more being added every single day, this is a great place to spend your time. It is affordable if you want to opt for the premium membership too, which is something that we recommend that you pick up eventually. It really will increase your chances of getting even more matches. Online Dating Site Reviews. You are trying to meet someone to spend the rest of your life with and you have been unsuccessful meeting someone in the bar or nightclub. When a lot of people find themselves in this situation, they do turn to dating sites to meet someone The problem is that there are so many dating sites out there, how do you know which would be a good one to choose? So Many Dating Sites. No one wants to read dating site reviews on all the different websites out there because most people would get discouraged and give up. This is what to look for and what to take notice of when you are considering joining a dating website. There are some dating websites that cost money and there are some dating websites that are free. Just because a website cost money or is “free to join” doesn’t mean that it works the best. The same goes for the well known dating websites that have run commercials on television. Personally speaking from experience, more dates were reached on a free website as oppose to the ones that require a monthly fee. Some websites will provide questions so they can suggest people that you are most compatible with. Some questions are alright but it takes all day with E-Harmony. They have dozens of questions that you have to answer. There are websites with questions that do the same job but don’t take so long to get through. Profile Setup. When you are setting up your profile on a dating website, you want the process to be short and sweet so you can browse photos of potential matches and message any that you are attracted to and have similar interests with. If any website guarantees that you will find someone, stay away because every dating site had one person that was not successful. When you find someone that you are attracted to and that you share similar interests with, the next part is a message. If a message is just one or two words or generic then that message will most likely be ignored. The same goes for your profile. Profiles do best when there are multiple pictures and a fair amount of information about interests, likes and dislikes. Profiles that have too little or too much information will scare off potential people you might have been interested in. Dating Site Features. Some people have complained that some websites do not offer a lot of prospective dates based on the questions you answered. That’s why having the option to browse profiles is a feature that should be considered in case the website is not finding enough profiles they think you would match with. While most people would access dating applications on their cell phones, unfortunately not all dating websites can be accessed on a phone. You will want to make sure you can access the dating site you pick through your phone if you’re someone who has long hours at your job or if your job doesn’t give you a huge amount of time in front of a computer. So those are the factors you should consider when you are deciding on a website. Is there a cost in terms of money?

Does their questions to match you take a long time to get through? Can you access the website through your phone if you are out and about but want to stay notified?

Hopefully this offered helpful advice and helped you in your quest to find that special someone in your online search. Online Dating Tips – It’s All In What You Say. Getting up the nerve to talk to a pretty girl can be difficult. What’s even worse is knowing what to say once you’ve mustered the courage to approach her. What you say and do in the first 30 seconds to one minute of a conversation can open an opportunity with a woman or can kill your chances with her forever. It’s normal to get tongue-tied especially if you’re trying to talk to a girl who you think won’t give you the time of day. For the most part, we men are familiar with two schools primary methods of approaching and talking to women. The “just be real” method and the “pick-up system” method. The first method suggests you start your first conversation by “just being real,” which means to tell a woman about who you are, what you do, where you come from, etc. But too often this can come across as if you’re interviewing for a job. Besides, everyone has a back story. Everyone was born someplace, has a mother and father, a has a job. nning down the core facts about your life won’t ignite that spark of attraction. Plus, once a woman is attracted to you, she’ll want to know all those things about you anyway. Then there’s the “pick-up system,” that we all have buddies who swear by. The pick-up system began with inventing witty pick-up lines that these days are just cheesy and sometimes, downright creepy. But the old school pick up line mentality has been replaced with something a little more sophisticated these days. The ides is to invent an interesting scenario that allows you to ask her opinion on the matter, thereby engaging her in conversation. For example, you might tell a girl that your brother’s wife allows their daughter to wear makeup and short skirts at age 12. You then say something like, “I think that’s a little young. What do you think?” The fundamental problem with this approach is that pick up systems are inherently deceitful. Great if you’re looking for a one-night-stand, but not so great if you’re truly looking for a girlfriend. You’ve already boxed yourself into a corner by concocting an untruth. If you have a second date, she will eventually uncover that you don’t even have a brother and she’s out the door. So what you need is a great “icebreaker” – something that’s compelling and positive. The best topics are those that everyone can talk about, such as the popular celebrity news of the day. Women also love to hear about something that you are genuinely passionate about. Even if she doesn’t share the same interest, she’ll definitely be aware of the passion you exude and this will set you apart from other guys. We put so much time and effort into so many aspects of dating. We make sure our hair is cool, our clothes are sharp. We plan just where we want to go. And yet we think so little about the things that really create attraction like the things we say and do with the other person. If you play it safe and talk about your job, you’re going to lose out because you’re boring. And never make things up. Simply start a conversation about something interesting and topical and you just may find yourself in a nice conversation with a beautiful girl. Equip Yourself With The Best Online Chatroom Dating Tips. Some of the greatest places to meet potential partners and mates are chat rooms. You can afford to be your relaxed self without worrying about how you look or how your chat roommates will say about your messed up hair. You enjoy conversations that are just great. However, this chat room anonymity means you can afford to mess up, change identity through your nickname or get to know people even more. It gives you an opportunity to practice the art of making new friends with strangers. Avoid being obnoxious at all costs because you are not licensed to. You can know people better by following these chat room dating tips. Practice honesty if you really want people to be honest and open with you. It does not mean delving into details that are personal but do not pretend to be someone you cannot. You will only end up attracting people looking for that character trait you are trying to be. Do not visit a chat room with a mindset of expecting so much. You meet and chat with many people without having the vaguest idea about their personalities or their looks. Be careful not to build a mental image of a person. It might end up disappointing you the moment you proceed for a picture exchange or a physical meeting. The person might fail to live up to the expectations you had built up in your mind. This is a chat room dating tips that you ought to take seriously. Be open-minded to avoid disappointments. If you are swapping photos always post your genuine pictures instead of fake ones. A picture that is flattering and makes you look good. The leading cause of disappointments in Internet relationships are misleading pictures. You might not have an opportunity of meeting this person if you sent someone else photos instead of yours. To spice the relationship ambit, develop activities that both of you identify with. This is especially good if you have really hit it off with a date that you feel holds a lot of potentials. Make dates with each other geared towards sharing activities online. It is one of the most enchanting chat room dating tips. For instance, you can decide to share a forum or play games that are online. Discuss the length of your expected online communication prior to the actual meeting. It avoids the situation where both of you are a source of stress to each other. Evaluate yourself to establish whether you are really comfortable with that person even before considering a meeting possible. Chat room relationships enter a critical stage when the couple decides it is now ripe to meet. You can afford to disregard all other chat room dating tips but this one is a must-do. Meet in a public place where you are safe and comfortable. Do not compromise your security, your meeting should be a busy place either for coffee or over any other delicacy or meal. Be cautious always and let a person know where you are. You can arrange for that person to call you after a certain duration to check how you are progressing. Have an exit avenue if you don’t like the person. You can always concoct an excuse and disappear if the encounter is not going on well. Tips for Internet Dating. Online dating has grown tremendously over the years. Today there are nearly 40 million single adults using Internet dating in the USA alone. The more online dating becomes mainstream, the more it becomes a destination to meet your match. Online dating can be tricky waters to maneuver, however. You’ll get the best results by sitting down and putting some time and thought into different aspects of your dating profile. There are winning and losing strategies in even the most minute aspects of online dating, such as what you use for your screen name and which photos you decide to post. Creating the right screen name can attract or deter someone from taking a second glance at your profile. Your screen name is the very first thing another online dater sees. Is your screen name understandable?

Is it creepy? What does it say about you?

Studies reveal that lighthearted and flirtatious screen names such as “luv2laugh” score high with both men and women. You’ll want to avoid using numbers in your screen name. It’s far too easy for someone to confuse “Jenny2256” with “Jenny2258.” There are some specific and different tips for men and women. If you’re a man, you may want to stay more on the lighthearted side of things and be very careful with just how flirtatious you make your screen name. Women are wary of men who lead first with sex or sexual innuendo. Women do, however, respond very well to screen names that are witty and funny. Women should avoid screen names that sound too serious. “Luv2Read” or “CultureNArt” doesn’t make men want to take you dancing. A good way to come up with a great screen name is to imagine that you could only use one or two words to describe yourself. Take a minute to think hard about this. Say the words out loud. The words that feel right should then be used for your screen name. Once you’ve determined an attention-getting screen name, you’ll need to think about which photos of yourself to post. Of course, everyone wants to use a flattering picture of themselves for their profile picture. But there are some ways to really make your pictures come alive. For starters, a picture of you engaging in one of your passionate hobbies can make your photo stand out among a slew of others. If you love to fish, use a picture of yourself in the act of fishing or perhaps holding up one of your best catches. Don’t be surprised if you land a great catch from your photo! Another tip is to post no more than five pictures in your profile. Two pictures should show your face clearly and the other three should show you enjoying different activities. Make sure that the two pictures showing your face are recent and are flattering. You want to look well-groomed. One of these pictures should be your main photo. So how will you know if your screen name is a good one and if you’ve selected the right photos? You’ll know you have a great profile if you’re getting the results you want. You’ll date great people, have a lot of fun, and eventually narrow the field down to one fantastic match. . It is no secret that a lot of people also head to Thailand in the hope of finding romance or just to get laid.If you are interested in beautiful Thai women, then you will want to read this Thai Friendly review. Thailand is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Every year, millions and millions of people descend upon the place seeking adventure through nature, or enjoying wonderful culinary delights in one of the many stunning cities that Thailand boasts. What is Thai Friendly?

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