16 s dating

Выбор города. Датинг ру — сайт знакомств, объединяющий сквозь расстояния! Общение – обязательный атрибут полноценной жизни любого человека. В нем нуждаются даже самые самодостаточные люди, привыкшие устраивать свою жизнь без посторонней помощи. Новые знакомства, интересные и яркие, помогают внести свежесть в повседневную привычную жизнь и избавиться от скуки. Существует множество способов познакомиться, однако самым практичным, удобным и эффективным из них являются знакомства онлайн на тематическом сайте. Какого бы общения вы ни искали, в каком городе ни жили и какой бы внешностью ни обладали – dating поможет вам достичь желаемого результата! Чем привлекательны знакомства без регистрации? Практичностью!

Сегодня, пожалуй, не удастся встретить человека, который бы ни пользовался интернетом. Зайти на сайт можно через любой удобный вам гаджет – персональный компьютер, ноутбук, планшет, даже мобильный телефон. А это значит, что вы сможете скрасить интересным общением и просмотром анкет любую свободную минуту. Застряли в пробке, ожидаете приема специалиста, едите в командировку – вместо того, чтобы скучать, поболтайте с интересным собеседником!


Знакомства без регистрации не требуют никаких финансовых вложений. Вам не понадобиться отправлять смс или оплачивать доступ к интересующим анкетам – вся база данных находится в вашем распоряжении. Это очень удобно, ведь вы одинаково сможете пообщаться с людьми из своего города или же познакомиться с пользователем из другой точки страны, в которую, к примеру, собираетесь съездить в ближайшее время. Бесплатный сайт знакомств позволяет общаться с любым количеством людей и в любое время без ограничений! Масштабностью!

Речь идет не только о том, что на сайте присутствует множество анкет людей из всех городов нашей страны и ближнего зарубежья, но и о широте целевой аудитории, которую по праву можно назвать стопроцентной. Что это значит?

Здесь общаются люди всех возрастов, с любыми внешними данными и разнообразными интересами. Знакомства также имеют совершенно разные цели – от обычного общения переписки до сексуального партнерства и создания семьи. Просто стучите – и вам откроют! Общайтесь без ограничений!

Вы уже определились с выбором, увлечены ежедневными переписками и приятными эмоциями от общения с симпатичным вам человеком, но еще недостаточно его узнали или просто не хотите торопить события?

А между тем, одних только сообщений становится недостаточно и пора бы перевести общение на новый уровень, но как это сделать?

На сайте предусмотрена возможность видеозвонка! Это означает, что вы можете просто поговорить голосом, как по телефону, или провести полноценное виртуальное свидание. Такая функция полезна при самых различных знакомства. Романтически настроенным парам она поможет немного раскрепоститься и к первому реальному свиданию избавиться от неловкости, друзьям из разных стран – без труда увидеться и показать друг другу свой быт, тем же, кто ищет сексуального партнера, провести «мини-собеседование», чтобы понять, насколько человек подойдет для реализации желаний. Как найти подходящего собеседника для общения и не только?

Так как многие пользователи стремятся завести знакомства для серьезных отношений, на сайте предусмотрены весьма подробные анкеты. К примеру, если для дружбы по переписке внешние данные человека не имеют особого значения, то для более перспективных целей они важны. Наш сайт знакомств позволяет быстро и без регистрации просматривать анкеты пользователей из всех предложенных городов. Воспользовавшись поиском, вы можете сразу указать самые весомые критерии, а после уже приступать к просмотру всех подходящих предложений. Для более продуктивного знакомства, стоит определиться с типажом интересующего человека, его возрастом и местом жительства. Начинайте изучения найденных анкет с просмотра фотографий, и если пользователь вам симпатичен, приступайте к изучению информации, оставленной им в анкете – узнайте об интересах, увлечениях, отношении к тем или иным вещам, а также предпочтениях в выборе собеседника и основной цели знакомства. Dating site Posts. I dont know, im really confused right now, i just got off the phone with my best friend and shes so creeped out by me right now It isnt that bad. Yes most guys at 20 have one thing on their mind but that doesnt always mean its the only reason he is dating you. Just let him know where you stand with sex and if he doesnt understand and respect that then he isnt the guy for you. Not every 20 year old is a sexaholic. That's a really tough situation I have a friend who started dating a 19 year old when she was 15 and they've been together for 7 years now However, there is a good chance he will want to move the relationship along faster than you will. It really depends on the guy but it is a little weird for a 20 year old to be interested in a 16 year old unless they want something sex and think they will get it from a younger girl. Also, sometimes guys date younger girls becasue they can't get a girlfriend their own age This guy might genuinely like you and be a nice guy, but be careful and make sure you don't do anything you don't want to do and don't be pressured into anything I can understand why your family and friends are nervous about this. Just make sure you think carefully and do what is right for you. Hwy dont listen the people who tell that it is bad. I am 16 and dating a 20 year old and I'm going to tell you from my experience. My guy actually has respect and no bad intentions sexual acts that he would pressure me into. Dating A 21 Year Old Man At The Age Of 16. We actually play fight and mess around like kids and it doesn't even lead to anything. He's a total goof and I absolutely love it. But he's also mature when we have night outs. You need to follow your heart and what feels right or wrong. Dating an older guy can be a good or bs thing depending on the guy. Good luck . It is not weird or anything like that. People are going to say lots of stuff to try to make you see the truth but maybe he is really into you. There are people who say that 20 year old guys are not into 16 year old girls by their looks or personality but that is wrong. Maybe the guy did not want to date in his age group, but there is no difference in Just go with the guy, you are gonna be happy with it. 20 year old dating 16 year old. He shouldn't want to date someone under age anyway, its a little creepy. You should really listen to your friends and family because they are telling you the truth. DO not date a 20 year old. 16 year old dating a 20 year old. You can't figure that out on your own?

You can't tell if she is able to consent to the relationship or not? Don't be silly. There is nothing "morally wrong" with two consenting peoples dating. But if you honestly wouldn't be willing to get passed some vague concept of "morality" for the person you love then I would suggest not dating. Especially if you can't already tell whether or not she is mentally mature enough to handle a relationship likely. It none of my business but since you said your not going to have sex until after marriage and it sounds like you love her, its all ok. I would say it is morally okay depending on both of your maturity levels. I started dating a 23 year-old when I was We dated for over 5 years. The only drawback I would see is if she wants to go to functions at her school such as prom, and her school may not be a friendly environment for you. Yes it's fine it depends on your culture and people who think differently were raised another way. That's not a big age difference and girls mature and develop faster then guys do!

All Categories. It's perfectly fine. My friend is 16 her boyfriend is 21 and you cannot even tell the age to the girl she is so mature actually more mature then the woman I've seen his age. ate: And I don't want to know if it is legal, I want to know if it morally okay. 16 Online Dating Do’s and Don’ts (especially for men) With more people than ever flocking to apps to find connection, now is an ideal time to get your digital dating dialed in. Here are some tips to bring your match-total up while you hunker down—from your friendly neighborhood dating coach. DO Use a High-Quality Photo for Your Primary Picture. This is a game-changer. Your featured photo is the first thing people see, so you have to hook their interest instantly, or they’ll move along. What works best? A flattering, quality portrait that gives the other person a good look at your smiling mug. Too many people make their faces hard to see, obscuring them with poor lighting. Since you likely can’t hire a professional snapper without violating social-distancing rules, look for the best existing portrait you have. Or, if you’re quarantining with someone, have them snap a photo of you—keeping in mind that natural light will make you look best. Bonus points if they know how to use light and photo filters to amplify your attractiveness. Finally, choose your top three portraits, and ask friends to pick their favorite. You can also post shots on Photofeeler.com to get unbiased feedback. Once you have a bright, flattering portrait that stops League swipers in their digital tracks, you’re on your way to a LOT more matches. DO Add Video to Your League Profile. Still photography?

That’s SO 2019. The League now lets you upload a video (up to 10 seconds in length) to your profile, allowing you to more vividly display your awesome personality. Whether you’re flirting, laughing or singing (yes, there’s audio, too), you’ll now have an edge over those who only use photos. As a bonus, the app’s algorithm prioritizes profiles with video, boosting your visibility and yielding more matches. Pro tip: For the most dynamic videos, feature an activity, such as water-skiing, shooting hoops, hitting the beach or petting your pooch. Press “record” for more matches and dates. And… action! DON’T Post Low-Quality Selfies. Selfies are almost always poorly lit and are about as flattering as cargo shorts. Singles wade through a sea of selfies, so even a “good” one is forgettable—and forgettable photos hurt your results. DON’T Sweat a Flake. If someone cancels plans with you, avoid over-reading the tea leaves. People get busy, or overbook themselves. Be open to giving someone a free pass for flaking. Use it as a chance to be awesome, not bitter—and you might end up with a date. How?

When they flake, reply with humor. Write something like, “Why isn’t there a sad sunglasses emoji to show I’m bummed but still cool A.F.?” Or perhaps, “Hey, no problem—you just have to be twice as fun next time.” DO Show Your Face Clearly in All Your Photos. Bonus tip: speaking of faces, don’t include a prettier face than yours on your profile. I have a handsome, male-model-looking buddy, and I love the guy—but no way do I need to be competing with him on my profile. DON’T Make Your Profile Sound Like a Resumé. And avoid groaners that you’d hear on “The Bachelorette” (e.g., “I just want to make a connection…”). A weak profile write-up can sabotage a great primary photo. DO Give Your Profile Some Personality. I fell madly in League love with a profile that began with this line: “I want a gentleman in the sheets and a dad-bod on the streets.” I couldn’t write her fast enough…she had me laughing so hard. DON’T Open With “Hey” Or “How’s your day?” “What’s up?” or any variation of “Hello.” It’s as boring as CSPAN and shows that you made no effort to capture their interest. Starting with “Hey” is akin to saying “Hey, would you please ignore this message and never date me?” And they will oblige. DO Open with a Specific Compliment. Be specific and sincere. Look at their photos, read the description and their interests, and see what strikes you as quirky, interesting or cool. Maybe it’s their style, their fondness for Will Ferrell movies or their skills in the kitchen. Tell them what impressed you, and follow with a related question that’s easy to answer. Bonus points if your question makes them an expert, or allows them to brag. (We ALL love being experts.) Something like, “Hey, NAME… you cook Italian food?

So cool! OK, let me ask: What’s your most delicious dish?👨‍🍳” DON’T Send Copy-and-Paste Openers. DO Use Puns to Break the Ice. Puns get a bad rap. The 17th century English poet John Dryden called them “the most groveling kind of wit,” and it’s said that the Roman emperor Caligula (a guy known for extreme measures) had an actor burned alive for a bad pun. But puns work on dating apps like the League. They’re fun and clever. Your photos and bio hook their interest, but it’s your words that seal the first-date deal. So pun it up. In “Romeo & Juliet,” a dying Mercutio says, “Ask for me tomorrow, and you shall find me a grave man.” If puns are good enough for Shakespeare, they’re good enough for you. Don’t sweat it if you lack the Bard’s way with words. This pun generator can help you craft punny openers that get replies. Dads are good resources too. DON’T Send Messages Containing Spelling or Grammar Mistakes. The same goes for your profile. You don’t have to write like Hemingway, but you should know the difference between “your” and “you’re.” Otherwise, “your” dating life is gonna suffer. DO Move Things to a Call or Video Date ASAP. Most people wait too long to go for the digits or a date, which makes them seem either afraid of rejection or wishy-washy. My clients follow my 10-Message Rule. After 10 combined messages, go for the digits (or, in this case, the video date). The League’s 1:1 Video Chat feature is an excellent and safe place to have a first video date. Keeping virtual meets-ups in the app, especially early in a relationship, eliminates the exposure of exchanging personal phone numbers, Skype IDs or email addresses. DO Go On Video Speed Dates. Speaking of video dates, if you haven’t already participated in League Live, DO! Video speed dating is, first of all, fun (hello, human contact!). Secondly, it is safe (and convenient). But most importantly, the match rate for participants is three times higher than it is on the rest of the app. So if you feel like you are striking out in other areas, get online for the next League Live on Wednesdays or Sundays at 9pm. DON’T Be Afraid of “Ghosts” When someone goes quiet, it’s no biggie. Expect it now and then. Ghosting goes with the territory. It’s not personal. It’s online dating. DO Flirt When You Message. But—this is for the guys—avoid being overtly sexual. Getting too sexy-time too soon is a turn-off. However, a flirtatious touch does help spark chemistry, so feel free to sprinkle in some double entendres and innuendos. Some cheeky wit does wonders. A client of mine recently matched with his dream girl—a smart, beautiful power-lawyer. The opening line that got him a host of heart-face emojis and a first date?

“Counselor, you have a rebuttal that just won’t quit.” Is He Seeing Someone Else? 16 Signs He’s Still Dating Other People. Dating isn’t always black or white, especially when it comes to exclusivity. Sometimes it can feel like you’re a couple, but you just can’t say for sure. So how do you know if you’re an official couple yet?

Is it something that must be declared on social media? Is it when the other person deletes their dating apps? Sometimes it feels like you’re exclusive, but until you have “the talk,” you can’t know for sure. Naturally, no one loves being the first one to bring this topic up. You don’t want to come across as clingy or desperate. If things are going really well, it’s tempting to avoid any potential rocking of the boat. Even with all that said… you want to know! Is he seeing other people or not?

If you’re not ready to bring up the subject directly, check out these signs he’s seeing other people. Take The Quiz: Is He Losing Interest? 1. He refuses to take down his online dating profiles. There’s no good reason for someone to keep their dating apps once they’ve found someone they are serious about. No matter what he says, it’s 100% a way of keeping his options open. Even if he’s not actively checking them, he’s keeping them there for security. Maybe he just forgot about them. This is unlikely, but we can’t say it never happens. If you suspect this is the case with your man, you can test your theory by asking about it. Clock his reaction. Does he admit it slipped his mind and then delete them? Or does he offer you a half-baked excuse, such as, “Oh, I never check them anyway”? Don’t accept shady answers like this. If you’re ready to take things to the next level and he’s dragging his feet, you know what to do. 2. Your relationship is pure fun. At first glance, pure fun doesn’t sound like a bad thing. And it’s not! Having a great time in someone’s company is something to be valued. Finding someone you can easily laugh and joke with is not a simple feat. But is your time together only centered around having a good time? A successful relationship has more depth than just fun and games. There should be serious conversations, vulnerable moments, and even tense days. You can’t build a thriving relationship without some friction and learning how to communicate with each other. Notice how he responds to you bringing up more intense conversations. Does he engage with you, or does he brush it off and change the subject? If he’s only interested in the good times, he’s either not ready for a relationship or he’s still exploring his other options. 3. He says “I don’t like labels” Ah, what a classic. The guy who’s too cool for labels. He’s a free spirit who can’t be tamed. What that really means is that he’s not ready to be accountable to anyone. He’s happy with his independent lifestyle and no matter how perfect of a girlfriend you are, he’s not in the right place to commit. Or maybe he just doesn’t think you’re the right one for him, but he still likes you and enjoys you so he doesn’t want to cut things off right now. When a man is comfortable with his life the way it is, that shows through his actions. He won’t accommodate you or make space for you. If you try to press for a sign of commitment, he’ll immediately either clam up, brush it off, or make you feel stupid for even suggesting it. Don’t buy into any spiel about how he’s too evolved for traditional labels. When a man is really into you, he wants both you and the rest of the world to know it. He wouldn’t want to risk someone else swooping in and stealing you away. 4. He doesn’t prioritize you. With some guys, it’s blatantly clear where their priorities lie. With others, it might take a little sleuthing to figure out. Depending on his personality, he might be great at turning on the charm and making you feel like you’re the center of his world when he wants to. But later, when he’s got other things going on, you’re suddenly forgotten on the back burner. Does he make you feel like a priority?

Do you feel like you could call him up and he’d be there for you, no matter what?

Or do you often feel like you’re just cramping his style?

When a guy is into someone, he lets them know how important they are in his life. There’s no confusion about how they rank. If you’re puzzling over this one, it’s a sign he’s not completely committed to you. 5. You’re not exclusive. If your dates with this guy are going well, it’s pretty tempting to ignore this one. Avoid making assumptions. Just because you have a wonderful time when you’re together doesn’t mean he’s made the decision to be exclusive. When he does want to lock you down, you’ll know it. Even a shy guy will drum up the courage to discuss it with you. If he hasn’t asked you to be his girlfriend yet, chances are he’s dating other women. If you’re seeing someone who’s tight-lipped about this, either move on or at least keep your options open. You’re worth exactly the relationship you desire, so don’t settle just because you are nervous about his reaction. In fact, if you find yourself hesitant to bring up your needs, that’s a solid indicator that this guy might not be the one. 6. He only hangs out with you during the week. This is definitely one of those times where you have to look at how his actions compare to his words. He may be telling you all the right things, but if he only makes time for you during the week, he’s very likely leaving his weekends open for other girls. Naturally, if he works weekends, this one doesn’t apply. But other than that, you guys should be spending some time together on weekends. Don’t take “busy” for an answer. A man is never consistently “too busy” for the woman he’s into, especially during days off. When a guy is really into you, he can’t wait to spend more time with you and actively tries to make that happen … rather than making up excuses as to why he can’t or putting other things before you. 7. He makes last-minute plans. If you only ever hear from him last minute, that means he’s only ever thinking of you as a last resort. As harsh as that sounds, don’t take it personally. It’s not because you aren’t dating material. It just means this particular guy isn’t the one. Usually, when a guy likes you, he wants to see you. Seeing you is a priority. It’s on his mind and he wants to make it happen. He won’t usually risk missing out on the opportunity to see you because he waited until the last minute. If he’s always making last-minute plans, it’s either because he expects that you’ll always be available (or that you’ll ditch your other plans for him … and if this is something you do, stop!), or it’s because he’s exploring his other options and will come to you if nothing else comes together. Even if you really like a guy, make sure you don’t bend over backward to be available for him. People plan ahead for business meetings, family outings, and even workouts. There’s no reason he can’t plan ahead for you. 8. He often goes MIA. Yuck. No one wants to deal with the flakey, eternally MIA guy. If he takes hours or even days to text you back, he’s either busy with another girl or he’s not that into you. Regardless of how elaborate his excuse for not getting back to you is, it’s a clear sign he’s not serious about you. It could be that he’ll be great dating material in a couple of years. He might be in a place where he’s not even able to be accountable to himself, let alone another person. Maybe his friends complain about his inability to get back to them, too. Whatever the case, wishy-washy behavior is a sign of a guy who isn’t sure and that’s not something you want in a partner. 9. He won’t let you near his phone. Does he make an effort to hide his phone from you? Does he tilt the screen away when you’re sitting next to him and a text arrives? Shady behavior around phones is never a comforting sign. Consistently jumping up to take phone calls in another room is also super suspicious. He doesn’t have to give you his password and let you roam freely through his personal messages and emails, especially if your relationship is still in the beginning phases. But just observe how hesitant he is to let you into that part of his world. If he won’t let you near it, he’s up to something. 10. He just seems to be hiding something. Is there something off about him that you just can’t put your finger on? The mystery is only attractive for so long. Once you like him, you want to know about his daily life and his inner world. If you can’t seem to get answers on these things, there’s a reason for it. You might sense that he’s just not being fully truthful. Maybe he’s vague about where he’s been that day or what his plans are for later. Trying to pin down plans might be exhausting. If he’s shifty whenever you bring up anything close to the status of your relationship, he’s indirectly telling you all you need to know. 11. He doesn’t talk about the future, at all. Every new couple does a cute little dance at the start of their relationship. You’re both too afraid of coming on strong to bring up future plans. Eventually, though, it has to come up. You might summon up the nerve to ask if he’ll be your date to a wedding in a few months. Maybe he nonchalantly asks if you always want to live in your current city or if you have any plans to move elsewhere. Regardless of how it comes up, you should get a sense that he’s considering a future with you in it. When a man is serious about you, he’ll immediately start factoring you in. If he avoids the topic like the plague, that speaks for itself. 12. He openly flirts with other women in front of you. This one requires no explanation. If he’s comfortable flirting with someone in front of you, just think about what he’s doing when you’re not around. It’s a gross feeling to be with a guy who’s openly declaring interest in someone else. If he hits on other women in front of you, hit the road!

While there is a very forward way for a guy to show this, such as flirting with a stranger at the bar next to you, there are more subtle ways this reveals itself, too. Trust your judgment. If his behavior around other women makes you uncomfortable, your feelings are valid. Maybe he’s a little too touchy with one of his female friends – you know, the one he has a “mysterious and complicated history” with. Again, go with your gut here. When a guy is into you, he’s into you and won’t risk losing you by flirting with other women so brazenly. 13. Your relationship is purely physical. When you first get physical with someone you’re interested in, it’s an incredibly intoxicating experience. Every touch, even if it’s as simple as his hand brushing your knee, makes you go crazy. All of those sensations often lead to a honeymoon period where you can’t leave each other alone. Even during that period, though, there should be other layers to the relationship. All of the fun physical factors should be accompanied by insightful conversations and new experiences together. The getting-to-know-you period is something to enjoy taking your time with, as you’ll never be learning about each other in quite the same way again. If he has little interest in this and only focuses on the physical, it’s safe to say he’s not looking for a real relationship. This also means he’s probably unconcerned with exclusivity. 14. He doesn’t seem to be all that excited by you. Since you don’t get the advantage of being a fly on the wall as he talks to his friends, you’re really the only person who can decipher this one. At first glance, it might seem tricky to tell the difference between a man who appreciates spending time with you and a man who is falling in love. If you are honest with yourself, you’ll be able to tell. Does he go the extra mile for you?

Or do you feel more like a convenient option for him at this moment?

If you’re ready for the real thing, don’t let yourself become the woman he kills time with before his real thing. Notice how much effort he puts in to being around you. Look for that special zest you see in a guy pursuing someone he’s crazy about. If it’s not there, he’s not focused entirely on you. 15. He doesn’t introduce you to his friends and doesn’t seem to want to meet yours. When you’re crushing on someone, one of the first things you’re dying to do is introduce them to your friends. How fun is that first conversation you have with your friends after they’ve met the guy?

Just like with anything you’re excited about in life, you want to discuss it with the people close to you. If your guy is putting the brakes on meeting his friends or family, it’s a pretty bad sign. When a guy is into a woman, he wants to show her off and bring her into his world. If he’s hiding you away, it means he’s probably hiding other things. He should want you to meet the people he cares about. Hopefully, he wants to proudly show you off. He also may seem squirmish about the prospect of meeting your friends and family. That’s because he knows it means you’re more serious about things than he is and he doesn’t want you to get the wrong idea about the status of your relationship. 16. You feel it in your gut. We can never leave this one out. It’s crucial to making your decision. In fact, if you ignored all the other signs and just meditated on this one, you’d probably find your answer very quickly. Listen to that capable intuition inside yourself. It’s there to light the way and will illuminate those little clues your rational, logical mind tried to overlook. Maybe you already know the truth, but your brain is on the hunt for signs that you’re wrong. You’ve got that feeling in your gut that his attention is not entirely devoted to you, but you wish it was. If this is the case, step back into the driver’s seat of your life and know that you deserve to be a man’s first choice. If you’re getting anything less than that, move on to something better. It’s wildly empowering to make the decision that enough is enough. Making the right choice for yourself is addicting and enlightening. I hope this article gave you some objectivity so you can better understand where your guy truly stands. It’s possible that he isn’t seeing anyone else, he’s just doing the natural relationship pull-back. When a guy pulls away, it can be a terrifying feeling and you may feel that he’s losing interest. Do you know how to handle it when this happens?

If not, read this next:If He’s Pulling Away, Do This. 16 Online Dating Do’s and Don’ts (especially for men) With more people than ever flocking to apps to find connection, now is an ideal time to get your digital dating dialed in. Here are some tips to bring your match-total up while you hunker down—from your friendly neighborhood dating coach. DO Use a High-Quality Photo for Your Primary Picture. This is a game-changer. Your featured photo is the first thing people see, so you have to hook their interest instantly, or they’ll move along. What works best?

If not, read this next:If He’s Pulling Away, Do This. 38jiejie 三八姐姐. Your gossipy older sister reporting on your Asian entertainment needs. Wang Yibo and Li Zixuan’s Companies Deny Their Dating Rumors. Chinese entertainment bloggers might be pushing a run to boost their KPIs as Q1 is relatively slow when it comes to “news” and “headlines”. March 15 and March 16 have been filled with several “admission” and “denial” rumors. Wang Yibo (王一博) was one of the celebrities dragged into dating rumors with “Produce 101 China” alum, Li Zixuan (李子璇). On March 16, several posts started circulating an idol with 30 million followers was dating Li Zixuan. One post outright named Wang Yibo and Li Zixuan were dating. One other post said the 30 million followers idol was between Wang Yibo and Cai Xukun. The dating rumors immediately trended at #1 with over 17 million mentions. Li Zixuan’s studio first issued a statement denying the rumors. They stated, “Ms. Li Zixuan has been single all along. Our company has already gathered evidence of the rumors and behavior of maliciously guided comments. Afterwards, we will adopt legal measures to firmly protect our artist, Li Zixuan’s legal rights and interests.” Wang Yibo’s management company, YUE HUA Entertainment, also swiftly issued a statement denying the rumors. They stated all the dating rumors regarding Wang Yibo circulating on March 16 are all false. They also stated: “Today’s comments regarding “30 million top tier rumor is Wang Yibo and Li Zixuan”, “30 million rumor is Wang Yibo”, and other comments are false rumors fabricated out of thin air. The false rumors against our company’s artist, Mr. Wang Yibo, have already seriously misled the majority of netizens. It has already been suspected to be in serious infringement of our company’s artist, Mr. Wang Yibo’s legal rights and interests.” The company also asked all relevant entities to delete the content and stop the spread of rumors that are suspected to be infringing on Wang Yibo’s rights and interests. YUE HUA Entertainment is reserving the right to pursue legal action against the responsible entities. Wang Yibo served as a mentor in “Produce 101 China”, where Li Zixuan was a trainee. Other than “Produce 101 China” and Li Zixuan’s appearance on “Day Day Up”, there are no pictures showing them in the same frame.

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